What are your COVID-19 precautions?
By utilizing open air transportation, you are already taking steps towards preventing the spread of covid-19. Carts will be cleaned thoroughly before and after every ride.
Hand sanitizer is always provided. At GEST, your safety is our top priority.
YES! This service comes at NO cost the rider, under any circumstances. Gratuities for
drivers are appreciated but never required.
Where can I get the GEST app?
By clicking the links on our homepage, you can download the GEST app via the App
Store or Google Play.
Do I have to use the app to order a ride?
No, the app will be your easiest way of securing a ride fast. However, each city has a
phone number associated with their rider services. Refer to the location pages to find the
number you can call to order a GEST in your city!
How fast do the Carts go?
Our vehicles are able to drive on main roads, keeping up with the flow of traffic. With
speeds up to 25 mph, taking GEST is just as efficient as taking a car transportation service,
but it is much more sustainable and enjoyable.
Why should I use GEST?
Our mission is to provide free, accessible transportation to members of our community,
while eliminating the harmful effects of congestion on the environment and quality of life.
Not to mention, we like to have a good time, and these rides are ALWAYS a good time.
What’s the catch?
There is no catch. Our sponsors give us the opportunity to let YOU ride for FREE, something
that excites us on a daily basis.
GEST provides safe, reliable, and high-quality transportation service option to everyone. GEST and its affiliates therefore prohibit discrimination against users based on race, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, gender identity, age or any other characteristic protected under applicable law. Such discrimination includes, but is not limited to, any GEST franchised operator refusing to provide transportation services to a user based on any of these characteristics. Any GEST franchised operator found to have violated this prohibition will lose access to the GEST APP and risk revocation of his, her or its franchise. Applicable laws in certain jurisdictions may require and/or allow the provision of services by and for the benefit of a specific category of persons. In such jurisdictions, services provided in compliance with these laws and the relevant applicable terms are permissible under this policy.